Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Post...been a long time

I'm taking time out from homework to write this. It's been too long and many things have happened since my last post. I've moved yet again. Must be gypsy blood in my veins...lol...no offense to the Romany people.
I'm doing fairly well, but I'd sure like to be doing a helluva lot better. Hopefully I'll be getting my internet service on in 09/09. Then I can get caught up on both school work and business.
Things are kinda hard right now, but I see them as getting better. As my daughter says, regardless of what life throws at us, we always end up on our feet. You'd think we were part cat, I suppose. LOL
I personally think it has to do with being flexible. I'm still running the online business, although I'll probably let the ravnone1 site go. Then I can concentrate on making ninasproducts.com better, and I intend on re-doing the site again after I get the internet on. Also I'm going ahead with getting my Associate's Degree in Web Design and Development. I think it will enhance my business, as well as make me feel damn good about myself.
Until the next time,

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