Tuesday, October 15, 2013

WordPress: The Missing Manual Review

I don’t say this often, but in the case, I will. The name says it all. I’ve been reading this book, which by the way, looks really good on both the Kindle and the Kindle Fire HD (yeah I finally got one…yay). This book covers things I didn’t even think of and explains it in straight forward, no nonsense, and conversational style. When I say conversational style, I mean that it flows from one sentence to the next, one subject to the next without being stuffy and it is written so that anyone can understand it.
Word Press is a little daunting on some things. Am I gonna mess it up so it never works? What the heck are plugins? How do I moderate comments? What if I’m getting a lot of spam in my comments? How do I even set it up? Now I personally know about some of these things, but there are many more that I didn’t. I certainly didn’t know how to set up an E-commerce website. What about security? That’s covered as well. Mr. MacDonald makes it seem so easy. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about Word Press.
Link product title to this URL: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021391.do

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