Sunday, November 24, 2013

HTML5: The Missing Manual Review

As with all the ‘Missing Manual’ books, this one is also chock full of goodies, so much information that it’s relative easy to use just this book to build a proper website. I suppose you wish to know what I’m referring to when I say ‘proper’ website. I mean one that is created as it should be, it looks good and best of all, there are no mistakes. I didn’t realize how
Much I was sometimes missing until I started reading the ‘Missing Manual’ books. In my personal opinion, they were designed with the rest of us in mind. Ok, so you’ve explained what you meant by ‘proper’ website, but now would you mind explaining what you mean by ‘with the rest of us in mind.’ That too is relatively simple. We don’t always have time to read all the books we need to in order to know what is and isn’t good protocol or coding. With the ‘Missing Manual’ books, we can cut through the fluff and get to the meet of the manner.
Once again, I am definitely not disappointed in reading one the ‘Missing Manual’ books as this one is also chock full of good things. Here is the process I go through whenever I want to purchase a book, of any kind. I look at the book title, then the author and the book cover. I read the table of contents since this will tell me how much data is there and what kind. It will also show me if I really want this book. Does it cover all the subjects I need to learn about? Is it written in a conversational style? Is it written in a ‘dry’ manner, meaning it will probably be boring to me? I intend absolutely no insult, but there are books that I have tried to read and they were written in such a manner that it almost put me to sleep. I would find myself repeatedly reading a paragraph two or three times trying to grasp what the author was saying. It ain’t happenin’, my friend. If I have to sit and force myself to read something a number of times to grasp something, then I’m trying to read the wrong book.
This book is written in an engaging manner which made it extremely enjoyable to read. I choose to design websites and write various things, however I prefer to do so in an enjoyable manner. If I’m miserable when I’m working or learning, then I’m learning or doing the wrong thing. I absolutely recommend this book to anyone who loves to design websites or wants to learn how to design websites.

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