Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Web for Everyone Review

I have to admit, right off the track that I don’t always take disabilities into consideration, even though I have a disability as well. While this is certainly embarrassing, it’s not a bad thing to admit it that I’ve been doing this all wrong. I like to think it just makes me a better person, personally as well as business wise. The reason I just told you about this shortcoming of mine, which I promise to not practice anymore, is because too many people don’t take accessibility into consideration.
Look, I need all the help I can get while I’m designing websites, writing for a client (or myself), and especially while I'm learning. I wish they would make this book the standard for any school that teaches web design. It has a nice, steady flow, and it’s also a fast read. One of the best thing about it is that it gives plenty of examples so you can actually see what it’s like to have accessibility issues. While I thought about their abilities, it never occurred to me to think about their aptitude or attitude. I also hate to admit that I just didn’t think about it. While it’s hard to admit this, it does help me to think more thoroughly about accessibility. I am truly grateful for this book. I would recommend this book to any web designer, writer or developer. This book, if we take the time to read it and apply its principles, can make us a better programmer, designer or writer.

Link product title to this URL: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9781933820972.do

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