Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Economy of You Review

Do you ever wish you could just give your 9-5 job and work for yourself? You may have skills that you don’t use on the job and yet they could possibly bring in a lucrative income. Perhaps you are especially gifted at writing, baking scrumptious desserts, making jewelry, or any number of things.
Ms. Palmer not only tells you what you can do to start this endeavor, she also tells you the pitfalls to avoid. You know the ones that many people fall into. Such as letting your first failure stop you from going on. Sometimes we must fail in order to win. What I mean by that is when we fail, we look at all angles of what we did wrong, as well as what we did right. We can then do things a little differently. For instance, you wouldn’t sink a good chunk of money into an enterprise until you have thoroughly thought it through. You have this great idea. Why not run with it? Because you need to write it down, then sleep on it. I’ve had great ideas which turned out to not be good ideas at all. In fact, they almost got me into trouble. I should have done my research, talked to other people who actually were into that particular business, and thought about it even more before I made a final decision. Did I? No. This is just one more reason to read this book. It can point out the good points as well as the bad points.
If you have a dream, please, go for it. But think it through and read this book. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in starting a business. Even if you’re not, this book has sound advice and can therefore, benefit you.
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