Thursday, March 13, 2014

Learn to Program with Scratch Review


I could say, “OMG!” and only that but then this would be a very short review and a book like this deserves more than that. This book is geared to anyone whether you have any programming experience or not. In fact, I could probably teach my grandkids the basics of how to program with this book and Scratch, which is on the MIT website.
I have a brother who is as sharp as a tack in some ways, but is nonetheless mentally retarded. I mention him because I wanted to see if he could use the program. He’s taking to it like a duck to water. I also told my youngest daughter about this program and sent her a link to the MIT Scratch website so she can download it and maybe her kids will want to give it a try.  Later today, I’m going to send the same link to my oldest daughter because they may also wish to give Scratch a try. It would be a good experience for them. At least two of my grandkids are into computers like me, and my youngest daughter seemed to be interested when I told her about it.
But don’t let the simplicity fool you. It will get you to where you need to be to program in any language you choose to use. This book will help you master Scratch, and then it’s up to you to put all that knowledge you learned to use in other programming languages. I recommend this anyone who wishes to learn programming.

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