Sunday, February 24, 2008

mistakes aren't always mistakes

Hi All,
Given that people make mistakes all the time, it might seem strange to read that sometimes mistakes are mistakes at all. I know, because I have felt like it was a mistake coming to AZ. However, upon further reflection, I've come to the conclusion that since I spent time with my brother whom I hadn't seen in ten years, and I've learned quite a few things about my self, I now know that it wasn't a mistake. Besides I've met a few people whom I really liked. I also met a few people who choose to act like idiots, but that is their choice.
For me, the choice is now clear. I will be an equal in any relationship or I'm gone. I will insist that others respect me, treat me right and spend quality time with me or I'm gone. Others will no longer be allowed to cross my boundaries. If they do, they will get one warning, after which I'm gone.
I will work on improving myself, and I will make those choices on what needs to change. It won't be done because someone wants me to change to suit them.
So think about it, maybe what seems to be a mistake is really a pointer to something you need to work on within.

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