Thursday, July 11, 2013

Practical Lock Picking

I was interested primarily in this book because I have fallen out of practice and had forgotten much of what I had learned when taking a locksmith course a few years ago. This book more than reminded me of what I had forgotten. It is written in such a way that even a child could follow it.

I can see the graphics on my Kindle easily, although it is in black and white. I have a Kindle, but not the Kindle Fire HD. I just opened the book in my Kindle for the PC, and the graphics are in full color and easier to see. I imagine they would look the same on the Kindle Fire HD.

I have helped a couple of people since I became a certified locksmith. Unfortunately, it seems that many of the places I choose to live, people seem to think that women just don’t have the ability to think about such things. Nevertheless, it was a good learning experience and the book picks up where my education left off.

Not only does the author explain how locks are made, and discuss the various procedures for making locks, he also explains the tools one may choose for picking locks. This would also be an excellent book for anyone in the security field, and for those who design locks.

I also learned a few things that I either didn’t know, or just plain forgot. After all, it was in the ‘90s when I took the course. You will find easy and advanced lock picking techniques in this book, as well as a few tips and tricks.

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