Friday, October 4, 2013

Violent Python Review

I enjoy reading books about how to do things, and what makes them tick. I think this book covers a lot of ground on how to hack websites. As they say, to catch a criminal, it helps to have a criminal mind. That would also apply to hackers. We’re all curious, and whether we admit it or not, we really don’t like locks because we want to know what is in the room which is being locked. In the book, “1984”, there was a room that people really did not want to go into although no one would actually say what was in it. It was your worst nightmare, the thing you feared the most. As we all know, fear is a personal thing. So room 19 wouldn’t hold for you what I was afraid of, but rather what you are afraid of. It’s a little like that as far as hackers go. There are different types of hackers, white-hat, gray-hat, black-hat, etc. Not all of them are going to steal your information and either use it or, God forbid, sell it. But for the ones who do, it’s better to cya (cover your ass) than to be like the proverbial ostrich and stick our head in the sand.
Whether you own a website or not, you are still using the web. Many are on different social websites such as Facebook or Twitter, among others. This book will teach you how to test your websites, or servers, your various access ports; it will also teach you how to write your own programs in Python. Python is similar to PHP, but you can also code programs that don’t have to be online to work. If you don’t know enough about Python from reading this book, do as I did, and get a book for beginners in order to learn how to code in Python. But also work along with this book; I believe you will get the most from this book by following along with the code in each chapter.
This book is a being added to already extensive library of forensics books. By the way in case you’re wondering, it looks good on the Kindle. I would definitely recommend this book to others.

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